Current Status
The Collegiate Chapter
The collegiate chapter was suspended by our National organization because it had failed to comply with numerous established requirements over a period of two years. Details are contained in the Property Association’s annual reports available to members elsewhere on this site. The suspension was invoked after extensive consultation with the chapter’s alumni leadership. The university was informed but was not a party to the suspension. The suspension was effective May 18, 2018 – the end of the spring semester.
The House
Anticipating the suspension, the Property Association had entered into discussions with a sorority, other fraternities that needed a house, and the Evan’s Scholars Foundation (ESF) of the Western Golf Association ( concerning a possible rental. Effective June 1, 2018, the Association executed a five-year lease with ESF. ESF elected to conduct extensive interior renovations totaling over $300K, at its expense, the first year. Pictures of the renovations can be found in the Photo Gallery of this web site. As can be seen from these pictures, the house is in great condition. Evans Scholars moved into the house in August 2019.
In May of 2020, the Association and ESF amended the lease and extended the term through May 31, 2028. Under the terms of this amendment, ESF agreed to reimburse the Association for all administrative costs and all construction costs up to $150K to convert the House Mother’s Suite to an uncovered patio. All construction costs above $150K would be split 50 – 50. Construction was completed in July 2021 at a final cost of $159K. Some follow-on landscaping is anticipated.
ESF retains no ownership interest in any of the improvements and will transfer ownership of all furnishings to the Association at the end of the lease at no cost to the Association.
All chapter composites and other memorabilia have been wrapped, packaged and stored in a secure climate-controlled off site rented storage facility awaiting the new colony. Three local alums have access to the facility.
The alumni leadership has discussed this process with our National organization which has a well-established re-colonization process. We intend to begin re-colonization in 2026 with the goal of the new colony reoccupying the house in the fall of 2028. Re-colonization plans have been developed to support that process.